Friday, November 12, 2010

Blog Hop Friday

A fun way to find new bloggers is Crazy-for-Books Book Blogger Hop. She's got the awesome Mr. Linky and her rules over there too. I know I have found a lot of amazing blogs using these links. Most important for Friday, have fun it is Friday after all! This week Jennifer's question is: "If you find a book that looks interesting but is part of a series, do you always start with the first title?"

My answer- I have to start with the very first book.  I've picked up books before and started reading them to find out that it was the third book in a series and I had to stop reading it and go find the first book.  I feel like I'm missing something if I don't read them in order.  

  To join Parajunkee's Follow My Book Blog Friday you need to go to her blog and read the rules and add your blog to the Mr. Linky she's got going on. Another great way to discover new blogs and spread the bloggin love. Jackie aka Insane Hussein aka *angel face* is the featured blogger on Parajunkee's blog today and her question is:

What is your usual monthly book budget?

My Answer: I'm averaging my monthly book spending to be about $30 a month give or take on any given month.  I try to be frugal and shop for books at the Goodwill, library sales, and 

Have a great weekend.  Now I'm off to discover some more wonderful blogs.  



  1. Brand new to the Hop! Good to hear you aren't a plot jumper. Still looking for that blogger not afraid to start in the middle of a series....

  2. Just stopping by to share some Friday blog love! Have a great weekend! Trillian

    Come and link reviews of books with a war/battle element on this week's Read My War Review

  3. Hi, I'm a new follower, love it if you'd follow me too!

    I agree, I try to keep my book buying budget in that range, and will do everything I can to track down a cheap or library copy of a book before succumbing to paying full price!


  4. Totally agree with you! That happened to me once or twice and it nagged at me, because at the time I didn't know it was the 2nd or 3rd book. Boy was I lost!

    Here's my full post:

    Happy Friday!

  5. Hi there! I am a new follower from the hop. I must read books in order! I would never have understood the Outlander series (my favourite books ever) if I read them out of order! Come and visit me at

  6. I can dive right into the middle of a book series if the series' story
    doesn't run chronologically.

    That is to say, if each novel in a series is a stand-alone story (like Lee
    Child's Reacher novels) then I don't feel the need to start with book one.

    On the other hand, a series of books (like Richard Hatch's Battlestar
    Galactica novels) can't be read out of sequence since each new book builds
    upon the story of the previous entry in the series.

    Happy Book Blogger Hop Friday!

    Howard Sherman

  7. Oooohhhh, pretty. Purple is my favorite color. Even my laptop is purple! I'm here on the Follow Friday Tour. I'm a new follower and I noticed that you are reading or have read the Iron Fey series. Those books are haunting me. I just have to read them soon!

    If you get the chance, come visit my blog:

    Have a great weekend!

  8. Hi,
    I'm stopping by to say hello. I hope you have a fabulous weekend! Happy Reading!!

    I'm a old follower.

    Romance Book Junkies


Thanks for stopping by. I love hearing what you think!